Our team at Los Angeles Property Preservation repairs pools in Tarzana.
We have been in the Real Estate business for over 30 years, so we understand how escrows work. We know that if the pool is not filled up with water the escrow will not close. Part of the lender requirements is to have water inside the pool. This property we recently worked in Tarzana had a real issue with the pool. The pool needed serious repair work to get it back running. No pool company wanted to touch the pool. No pool repair company wanted to patch up the pool, because in their minds they didn’t want to deal with it. Not our team. Our team was able to patch the pool with fast-drying cement that covered up any type of cracks.
The appraiser was able to inspect the home and was able to verify that the pool was filled up with water. The escrow was able to be closed out and the house was able to be sold. This situation created a WIN-WIN for both the lender and our team of experts. For more information on getting your pool repaired in Tarzana please click here.